About us
About us
In view of the disturbing migration of the Rarámuri community to the city of Chihuahua, a group of people led by a Jesuit missionary observed that their conditions of poverty, marginalization and life worsened, for which they constituted “Settlements Tarahumares, AC” with the objective of change this reality.
Currently it is estimated that in Chihuahua capital live an average of 1000 Tarahumara families (approximately 5000 people) in more than 100 irregular, unhealthy settlements and with a high degree of marginalization and backwardness.
What is the social problem that the organization deals with?
The migration of the Tarahumara to the city due to the poverty situation in their place of origin. They come looking for better living conditions, however, the living conditions they face in the city originates a situation of group marginalization.
The solution to the problems faced in the city is through housing construction to receive them and give them tools for their adaptation (education, training and seek their integration into society). It is necessary to work hard with donors and prospects to find more tools.
The objective of the work in the association is to enable them to achieve a better quality of life, that is, decent housing and human training, job, family, health, sports, non-addictions and nutrition.
Identification of interest groups
The identification of the groups of interest of the organization allows knowing the way in which the activities of the same generate positive and / or negative impacts in the relation with each one of them.
The stakeholder identification exercise aims to position in the organization’s planning who are those groups, with whom a close relationship must be maintained, as well as a very constant communication and monitoring of the relationship.